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It burns when I pee. But that's not really your problem, so nevermind.

Friday, November 12, 2004

This column originally started out: What is it about Tuesdays, people? Yesterday was the second Tuesday in a row I had to make an emergency run to the data center to deal with something.

Then on Wednesday, the same thing happened, so I didn't get to post.

Thursday: also found myself at the data center frantically putting out fires. Not literally, though, as I am ill-equipped for heat, what with my total lack of training and my bizarre preference for highly flammable fabrics.

It's been a long week, and it's not getting much shorter; I have to do some minor work tonight, plus some work in the morning, plus spending all of tomorrow night working the monthly outage for one of our clients. Plus I couldn't get out of church on Sunday morning because Darryl is desperate.

Plus, Hearnwife is going out of town, so I have to be very careful not to let the house become a wasteland of fast-food wrappers, unopened mail, and other various detritus, since if the house isn't spotless when she returns on Tuesday, I will be killed.

But you didn't come here to listen to me whine about how busy my life is. (At least, I hope not. That would be kinda scary, and moderately stalkerish. Of course, that's most of the internet for you.) You came for humor, for giggles, for pictures of me in a skirt. And because I feel your love all over my face, I give those things to you freely.

I say "freely" only because there are no ads on my site. And there are no ads on my site only because no marketing agencies have offered to put any up. Rest assured, however, that I feel your love. And I love you back. Maybe not in a "sharing fluids" kind of way, but it is definitely love.

Except, possibly, for Kyle; with him it's more of a lust thing.

You may have noticed there is almost nothing substantively interesting in this post. That is because my brain has no remaining capacity for creativity. Just focus on the love.


Anonymous said...

Whoohoo! Hearnwife's coming to CA! Hearnwife's coming to CA!

1:50 PM  

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