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It burns when I pee. But that's not really your problem, so nevermind.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

So I was starting to think, "Maybe I should change around the format of the site." Luckily, Blogger was kind enough to help me out by destroying half my template! YAY! MY ENTHUSIASM IS OVERWHELMING!

For right now, you'll have to deal with whatever this craptaculousness is until I can try and save my links, blogroll, etc. Give me a few days to recover.

[UPDATE as of about 2pm: I managed to bring back all the usual links on the right, and things seem to look pretty cool. The upside to losing my whole template was that I finally had to redo the basic look, which is now greatly improved. There are still a few kinks to work out, primarily: why the hell the "Wir haben keine Bananen" up there is atop the picture, rather than to the left of it; the Blogger preview shows it to the left where I want it. As usual: Blogger sucks.]

Last night HW and I went to see Bette Midler, much to Milo's chagrin:

MattHearnCSC: Where do you actually work? At the Wachovia? Or is there an office building somewhere?
MiloBloom34: no, i'm at the wachovia.
MattHearnCSC: I was there last night myself.
MiloBloom34: oh christ, you were not.
MiloBloom34: you did not come to that s&#t.
MattHearnCSC: What?
MiloBloom34: why were you here?
MattHearnCSC: To see Bette Midler.
MiloBloom34: I repeat, you did not come see that s*@t.
MattHearnCSC: Yes, yes I did. It was rad.
MiloBloom34: Jesus.
MiloBloom34: At what point did you realize that you'd become gay, and does sarah know?
MiloBloom34: I mean, was it the manpurse?
MattHearnCSC: She came with me.
MattHearnCSC: It was fun.
MattHearnCSC: Although the parking situation needs some work.
MiloBloom34: I'm aware she came with you, but does she know you've made a complete transition to fag?
MiloBloom34: you didn't actually pay money for the tickets, did you?
MattHearnCSC: Sure.
MattHearnCSC: They were like $60 apiece or so.
MiloBloom34: that's horrifingly disturbing.
MiloBloom34: and for the love of god, I'd be much more concerned about doling out $120 to see that circus act.
MiloBloom34: I felt sick to my stomach every time I walked past that f#&$ing gaudy-ass stairway that she rides on.
MattHearnCSC: It was totally sweet.
MattHearnCSC: I daresay "Supersweet."

The concert really was quite incredible. Bette puts on a hell of a show, and her backup band was incredible. I enjoy watching drummers; hers was very grood. She also had what appeared to be Tina Turner playing piano and directing the band.

Bette, amusingly, drops more F-bombs than Chris Rock. I enjoy a good bit of ribaldry, so I was pleased, although some of the old ladies sitting near us were slightly put off.

My only complaint about the evening was that parking at the sports complex is still pretty poor. I would have thought they could devise a better way to get everybody into the parking areas, but unfortunately no, you still end up stuck in traffic on the Girard Point Bridge. It took us 30 minutes to get from our house to the Broad Street exit, and then 30 minutes to get the additional mile from there to where we parked. Getting out wasn't great either, although it was a bit easier because we ended up being parked right next to a lot exit on South 11th Street, so we were home about midnight.

Okay, I better get back to trying to recover as much of my original website as I possibly can, probably while weeping. I'll try and keep you updated as to what's going on.


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