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It burns when I pee. But that's not really your problem, so nevermind.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Man, yesterday's post sure generated some commentary! Mostly by one short-bus-riding friend of mine who is suffering under the delusion that John Mayer is not totally rad. That is sad. I recommend lobotomy.

Today I would like to celebrate the life of this man:

Mr. Gary Wayne Rodgers

Gary Wayne, long a fixture at the University of Kentucky, passed away two weeks ago as a result of catching fire in the parking lot outside Rupp Arena. Let's all bow our heads and each say a private prayer of thanks for the light that Gary Wayne brought to each and every one of our lives.

I tried to commemorate the 12 day anniversary of his passing today by duplicating the hair style in the above mug shot family photo. (I call it the "Reverse Transmogrified Yeshiva Mullet.") Unfortunately, due to having washed my hair within the past 3 weeks, I was unable to really do anything but make it stick up a little in the back, and it does that anyway. My failure as hairstylist merely serves to highlight the genius that was: Gary Wayne Rodgers.

Rest in peace, Gary Wayne. ::sound of Hearn pouring out a half-pint of cheap gin on the floor of his cubicle at work::

I'm going to hell, aren't I? Dammit.


GaryFan6969@intarnet.www...com said...

The resources on the web that pay homage to Gary Wayne Rodgers are drying up very quickly. Please keep this vigil burning. It gives my light in an otherwise very bleak world.

God Bless the Thunderbird-Matted Frizzfriedfro as seen in my link above, God Bless the already eulogized Reverse Transmogrified Yeshiva Mullet, and every other variance of beauty that this man was able to bestow upon us all.

RIP Gary.

9:30 AM  

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