How strange must it be to be an infant. You wake up, a familiar friendly face giggles and coos at you, changes your clothes and diaper, feeds you, and then hands you off to another vaguely familiar face, that takes you outside and puts you into a car. You fall asleep. You wake up in a completely different place, surrounded by completely different people.

It’s like time travel, I think.

Yesterday, I picked up Charles at his grandparents’ house and put him in my car, where he fell asleep. Then I headed over to the Opera Delaware studios to try on a costume and wig, at which time his OTHER grandparents showed up (Mom and Dad are in the chorus of the opera) and woke him up. Surrounded by complete strangers, he was, and pretty freaked out by it. Luckily, he’s a relatively happy baby, so he calmed down nicely and smiled for everybody.

Then he got his vengeance by flat-out refusing to go to sleep until 10pm.

I’m still kinda sick, myself, but somehow I’ll survive. The agonizing throat pain has subsided, so now I just have some sniffles. I fully expect Charles and Sarah to get sick simultaneously. Really looking forward to that.

It is getting, it is getting, it is getting rather hectic all up in this piece. Yo.

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