Over the last month or so, Sarah and I have been wondering when we were going to get to feel the baby moving around inside her belly. We weren’t…concerned, specifically, since the late-December ultrasound definitely showed that little booger dancing like we were playing Jamiroquai at it. Sarah was just looking forward to actually FEELING the movement.

Well, finally, on Friday, she felt it shift or kick or do the humpty dance or something. Totally awesome. And apparently the little bugger hasn’t stopped since.

  • Friday morning, Sarah in a particularly boring class and getting hungry: the baby kicks a bunch of times to say either “HEY I’M HUNGRY DAMMIT” or “OH MY GOD THIS PROFESSOR IS SO DULL I THINK I’M GOING TO KICK YOU IN THE KIDNEY.”
  • Friday night, at a birthday party for my homeboy Ian, baby kicks during a Bon Jovi song. I figure this means one of three things:
    1. The baby was dancing to Bon Jovi because she’s a girl.
    2. The baby was dancing to Bon Jovi because he’s gay.
    3. The baby was kicking Sarah to ask why the hell we were listening to “gay-ass Bon Jovi.”

    I’m hoping for the last response. Not that I am against having a girl or a gay boy, but simply that I’m against Bon Jovi.

So that little honky is in there dancin’ around, and I couldn’t be happier. Unless it comes out dancing like Kenny Mayne on last week’s “Dancing With The Stars.” Poor Kenny: he’s a lovable fellow, but his dancing looks like a pee shiver.

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