I need help analyzing another dream. Except that I don’t really remember the dream. What I remember is this:

At about 12:30am last night, I woke up, sat bolt upright, and started frantically looking around the bed, saying, “Where are they?”

Sarah wakes up and says, “Where are what?”

“There’s supposed to be five of them! Where are they?”

“Five of what, honey?”

“There’s supposed to be five! Where are they!”

At this point Sarah realized I was just spazzing out over something and managed to coax me back to sleep. This morning, she reminded me of it, and I realized I wasn’t entirely sure what there were supposed to be five of, but there’s a strong chance that the answer is “feet.”

What the hell does it all MEAN?

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  1. theotherbrian
    November 8th, 2005 at 16:32 | #1

    That’s easy, it’s the five lions that it takes to form Voltron that you were looking for.

    Red, Green, Blue, Yellow and Black of course.

    Your strike me as a Yellow Lion kind of guy, with your resemblance to Hunk and all.

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