Okay, here’s the word:

  • I’m not dead, although I did fight off a nasty case of food poisoning this weekend that laid me heck of low. I’m still kinda feverish, I think, with the sweating and chills and JUICINESS IN MY PUPPISS. (Glavin.)
  • The show is going outstandingly (note: not a real word), aside from a major miscue on my part on opening night in which I failed to enter and missed an entire scene. Reason: I am an idiot. Luckily my role in that scene was to wander on, mutter some things to Eliza, and then lead her off the stage, so she noted my absence, said something to cover it, and just walked off. This assuages my guilt not at all.
  • Charles is awesome. He celebrated his 2nd-month-day (or whatever) on Sunday, and tomorrow will be 9 weeks old. He weighs 16 pounds. According to the CDC growth charts, this is well beyond the 97th percentile, and is also very hard on my arms. I usually put more pictures of him up on his website every week, but didn’t get a chance last week; expect to see some shortly, however.
  • It’s hot. Temperatures are expected to reach 100 degrees tomorrow. I am DIS. PLEASED. Mainly because I have a brush-up rehearsal for My Fair Lady at an unair-conditioned location.

And that’s all I have to say about that.

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