It is really annoying to lose a bunch of weight, and buy new pants to fit your slimm’d-down waist, only to discover too late that despite having lost inches around the middle, you haven’t reduced the size of certain other things.

Wait, did I say annoying? I meant TOTALLY AWESOME.

That is all.

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  1. Anonymous
    May 5th, 2005 at 16:58 | #1

    Uncle Matt…
    I would like to hear more about the new addition coming to your clan?

  2. Matt
    May 5th, 2005 at 17:12 | #2

    The what to my what now?

    Don’t start rumors. That’s bad.

  3. Anonymous
    May 5th, 2005 at 18:59 | #3

    The size of your junk would be more impressive if we couldn’t also see your keys and other sundry items pressed tight in your pockets.

    The sense of scale de-impresses the junk.

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