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Good enough

Well, I tried to do this smoothly, and as you can see I was about as successful as the Bay of Pigs invasion.  (Too soon?)  Anyway, I’m converting the whole thing to a WordPress format.  I did it in a subdirectory with a copy of everything, and then moved the whole thing into place in the public directory and it was like I had taken a dump all over everything.  It didn’t work, um, at all.  So in short: I’m very nearly starting from scratch. Bear with me while I get everything working, and feel free to tell me if you spot anything that doesn’t work (broken links, for example).

As I said a few weeks ago, the plan is for more frequent, smaller updates, rather than the previous format of “once a week with something long but boring.” Word up.

Update, 2115EDT: I’m basically done. Got all my links up, posts are imported, Twitter is there. The old “quote” functionality, when installed, makes everything go to hell; I blame WordPress, or perhaps Linux, or something. I’m still not sold on the header image I made, it seems to completely describe me and yet also be ugly as hell. (What that indicates, I refuse to say.)

I’ll probably futz with it for a while, particularly if I can get my quote thing working, I would miss that.

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  1. admin
    April 19th, 2009 at 18:07 | #1

    Criminey. This is going great. I tried to put some content in the sidebars and was getting INSANE PHP errors. I’m glad I’m drinking gin.

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