Happy Happy, allzayallzez! I hope that 2006 is as righteous as 2005 was, assuming that 2005 was heck of righteous, and if it wasn’t, then here’s hoping that 2006 is a vast improvement.

I guess what I’m saying is: I hope you are well in the coming year.

Me? HW and I spent the New Year’s holiday at the beach with our usual crew again this year, and misbehaved admirably. Poor HW sadly had to remain sober the entire weekend, so I had to be sure to drink her share, which unsurprisingly led to my saying regretful things, but which VERY surprisingly led to little nudity on my part. Everyone else at the house thanked me for this.

On Sunday we just hung out and played a riotous game of football on the beach, during which I embarrassed myself athletically in my usual manner, although oddly enough my team did end up winning, mostly because Doug and Kris stepped up masterfully, and Pedram, Ryan, and Aaron contributed some good plays as well. I, uh, well, I laid a hit on a guy that may or may not have had something to do with Aaron being able to strip the ball out of his hands after he bounced off of me.

Monday I was sore and mildly overhung, so we wandered Rehoboth for a little while, hit up a maternity outlet at which Sarah bought some hott stuff, and meandered home, where we ignored the filth that coats all the surfaces of our house and sat down to eat food and watch TV for the better part of 7 hours.

In other news, Brian Smith has resurrected his website and promises that he’ll update it more than twice before disappearing for a year again. So, good stuff, there. And now that my busy Xmas season is over, hopefully I’ll have a night or two free to actually get some stuff up on my own website, instead of leaving you poor fools hanging for days on end and making you suffer through with just Achewood, Lileks, and Penny Arcade (all of which you should be reading daily (or thrice-weekly in the last case) ’cause that jaun is mad rad).

Game: on.

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