Oh, man, <DANA CARVEY>Brigadoon was so good BRIGADOON WAS SO GOOD!</DANA CARVEY> The performances have been really great so far. We’re at the halfway point; we have a “brush-up” rehearsal tonight, and then the final three shows start Thursday. If you haven’t been to see us yet, trust me: it’s worth every penny. 1-800-338-6965 to get your tickets, and yes, you can get them at the door, if they’re not sold out.

Of course, the performances haven’t been without amusing mishaps and interesting occurrences:

  • The sound crew cannot, even with my personal electronic expertise, figure this one out: at the end of the show, I go up to the Basin level (if you haven’t been to Longwood, there’s a set of stairs in the middle of the stage that goes up to a second level called the “Basin”) and my microphone immediately stops transmitting. Or the receivers stop receiving, one of the two. It’s fine for the rest of the show, and they’ve tested it themselves on the Basin, but as soon as I go up there for the final scene, I’m inaudible. Luckily, they have a floor mic up there, so they just turn my body mic off and turn the floor up. Totally bizarre.
  • Saturday, after the “There But For You Go I” scene, the lighting folks forgot to black out the stage. So My Illustrious CostarTM and I were stuck in a liplock for at least 10 seconds, until she started giggling. It was classic. Finally we just broke apart and jogged off the stage, still in bright stagelight.
  • Sarah, Jennifer, and Ariann have a running gag concerning my ego; mainly how it’s large enough now to affect the orbits of several GPS satellites. (Little do they know it’s just a defense mechanism to keep me from crying all day…::sniff::)

    Anyway, at the expense of probably sounding even MORE egotistical, I have to point out something very strange, and yet something I could definitely get used to: folks calling the ticket office, dropping my name, and getting the royal treatment. A few weeks ago, Craig drops by to pick up a ticket, mentions he’s my friend, and the wonderful folks in the ticket office almost fell all over themselves helping him out. On Friday, our good buddy Kris shows up at Longwood to pick up a last minute ticket, mentions he’s a friend of mine and would like a good seat if anything’s available, and they hand him a 5th row ticket that somebody else had already purchased but didn’t need. For free.

    Like I said, I could get used to that kinda stuff. Does that make me sound extremely arrogant? Yes? Grood.

  • Probably as a result of the show, I’ve been hired to sing a concert in early October. Holy crap, it’s like I actually have a singing career! Now if only I could make a CD like Josh Groban and make the big dollaz.
  • News: Evelyn Swensson (the music director for Brigadoon) just called me. Apparently WHYY wants Jennifer and me to roll up ons their Wilmington studio so they can tape us getting our sing on and air it this evening. The hotness of this is absotively beyond compare. I’ll update you with news on this event as it occurs.

A big thanks to everybody that showed up to cheer us on over the weekend; I think we had friends drive in from all over creation (well, from Richmond to Hoboken, at least) to see the show. Everybody’s been hell of supportive, and I’m glad that you all enjoyed everything. 3 shows to go! Wish me multiple fracture lower appendages!

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