
Archive for April, 2009

Tough Day

April 13th, 2009 No comments

Harry Kalas has died at 73.

RIP, Harry. Enjoy. (h/t Dan Levy)

Categories: sad Tags:

Scrolling, scrolling, scrolling

April 7th, 2009 1 comment

I’m writing a post mostly so that people stop complaining about the most recent one; a new post will cause that one to scroll down the page.

Last weekend we wrapped up the Brandywine High School show, which was “My Fair Lady;” I would have posted about it but was far too busy working on it. I had to rearrange a lot of music, plus transpose an entire bassoon part into bass-clarinet, along with actual rehearsals and performances. I’m still catching up on sleep. It went off extremely well, and was super-fun as usual, but I’m so excited to be done that I can barely stop whistling.

Now we’re just preparing the house for “Rosie,” as Charles calls the creature lodged inside my wife’s abdomen. Her appearance is scheduled for early May, but Sarah, stressed over the state of our domicile, thinks that she’ll come early just to spite us. She’s a pretty violent little thing; Charles certainly wiggled and shimmied when he was in there, but “Rosie” is fond of jabbing feet and elbows into Sarah’s internal organs.

Less important news, although probably more germane to your interests: I’m planning another site revamp. I’ve had this weird dark wintery theme up for about 7 seasons too long, and I want some spring colors. Pastels, people! That’s where it’s at. Also, instead of the periodic longer updates, I’m going to turn this thing into a true “blog.” There have been a lot of thoughts jump into my head lately that I’d want to explore a bit, but didn’t have time to put together a complete “column”-style post, but it was too involved for a 140-character tweet. So expect to see shorter little notes, filled with the usual “humor” and “insight,” throughout the day, mostly sent through email from my iPhone, because That Is How I Roll. I might even post the new template tonight and start the new blogging paradigm, but a lot depends on whether or not Charles, who is not feeling very well, allows me to do anything.

Peace and bacon!

Categories: musings Tags: