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Eggs and . . .

The internet being what it is, my recent website alterations have led to a lot of spam comments. Even more than regular comments! This shouldn’t be surprising, since I have two readers.

So, I’ve added a plug-in that does some kind of magic involving hash strings and other crap I don’t understand, the end result being that humans should be able to leave comments, and spambots should not.

Here’s where I need you, my two readers, to help out: leave a comment on this post, if you would be so kind, so that I know that humans can still, you know, do so. Leave anything you want. “Hi, I’m a comment!” would be a good one, or “Ew, I found a pube in my taco.”

Your assistance is greatly appreciated. I will start the testing myself with an amusing comment.

Categories: Uncategorized Tags:
  1. matthearn
    April 30th, 2009 at 08:29 | #1

    I started throwin bass, she started throwin back mid-range,
    But when I sprung the question, she acted kind of strange!
    Then when I asked, do ya have a man, she tried to pretend;
    She said, no I dont, I only have a friend.

  2. Kyle
    April 30th, 2009 at 11:35 | #2

    Spam spa-spam spam spam. (To the tune of The Thong Song – try getting THAT out of your head the rest of the day!)

  3. April 30th, 2009 at 16:21 | #3

    Big Mac, Mc DLT, a Quarter-Pounder with some cheese, Filet-O-Fish, a hamburger, a cheeseburger, a Happy Meal. McNuggets, tasty golden french fries, regular or larger size, and salads: chef or garden, or a chicken salad oriental. Big Big Breakfast, Egg McMuffin, hot hot cakes, and sausage. Maybe biscuits, bacon, egg and cheese, a sausage, danish, hash browns too. And for dessert hot apple pies, and sundaes three varieties, a soft-serve cone, three kinds of shakes, and chocolatey chip cookies. And to drink a Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, and orange drink, A Sprite and coffee, decaf too, A lowfat milk, also an orange juice. I love McDonald’s, good time great taste, and I get this all at one place…

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