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Hey you!

You! In the hat! Did you go vote? No? Why not? Go vote!

What do you mean, you don’t like either candidate? How can that be possible? There are something like 15 possible candidates for US President, along with running mates! If you don’t like one of the top 2, pick from the rest of the pupu platter!

You don’t feel like it? Look, voting isn’t a right. It’s not even a privilege. It is your DUTY. I would, frankly, not be entirely against having the government come door to door to make sure everybody votes, like when they do the census.

If you don’t vote, you are a dick. Don’t be That Guy, dude. Seriously.

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  1. Robert Marcel Dubois
    November 13th, 2008 at 07:11 | #1

    I’m a guy that votes all the time. And you know what? My guy/gal never wins. Why? Because I’m not the mainstream type of guy. I look at the Reality that Is and get that sick feeling in the pit of my stomach when I realize that our country is sinking in a quagmire simply because we have a majority in the population that is stuck on the 2-Party System candidates. They actually believe that if you do not vote for one of the popular 2-Party Candidates then you are not going to make a difference.
    Let me tell you something buster, the 2-Party System is not a choice! They are two peas of the same pod drifting on the left side of the pond. Born to Lose should be there theme song. The decisions that they have been making lately should be an indication of their intelligence. Bail-out after bail-out is not the direction they should be taking us. Where in the Constitution does it give them that authority? And what direction do you think the ticker-tape will go with them in charge? Since this is about voting, I’ll get back to the subject. I vote Libertarian straight ticket. Why? Because they recognize and support Capitalism. Our 2-Party System recognizes Voo-Doo Supply Side Keynesian Economics. That was not what our country was founded upon. We are a Republic (for which it stands) with a written Constitution. Since words have meaning, and the meaning of the words in our Constitution are words that protect our Right to Life, I would fight to keep the true meaning of those words intact. There is only one way to do that and that is to tell the world that you vote in each election. Yes, voting is a duty. It is a duty to self. It is a right and a duty that must be taken seriously. It is a matter of self-respect. If you respect self, then you must vote in a way that shows respect to self. The current idots in charge, and that includes our Senate and Congress are idiots who possess Brains of Convenience (BOCs). When it is convenient, they will promise us the world in a handbag. It doesn’t matter that economics is the science of scarcity. They know that the Federal Reserve can through the Central Banks, print as much paper money as they need to promise us anything to get us to vote for them. And the sad part of if is that we continue to vote for them. We have been in chronic inflation since 1971. That’s the year Presidenct Nixon ended the Gold Standard. It actually began when the Federal Reserve was establish and Fraction Reserve Banks became the standard. That’s another topic. To Vote or not to Vote is not the question. We must all stand up and vote. It would help however, if we did a little research before we voted for the guy/girl whose elequence captures your attention. It needs to be the content that one holds that drives you to the polls. Let us hope that, that content is not elequence; but rather knowledge and wisdom. Follow me to
    http://letlibertyshine.wordpress.com or http://letlibertyshine.blogspot.com
    See me and you are invited as a friend to visit me at MySpace.com
    My name is Robert Dubois
    You will know its me by my bulletins and my comments.

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