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Link day!

The debate was last night, I’m sure everybody watched at least part of it. I’m dramatically unqualified to judge the candidates on their political merits, particularly in the area of foreign policy and economics (aka the only two real issues in this election), so take this with a grain of salt. What I said on Twitter earlier (in shorter form) was this: Senator McCain looked tough, a real badass. The kind of guy that would likely get us involved in a bunch of wars, but also the kind of guy who would have the sack to finish the job.

On the other hand, Senator Obama looked Presidential. The kind of President who would bring some quiet reserve to the white house. The kind of President who, if Iran were to get ideas about nuking Israel, would simply stroll into the negotiations and say “You are going to back down,” and stare Achmekfdjaldfajfanad (as Sen. McCain refers to him) in the eye, and Iran would be all “Yeah, our bad on that. Sorry for the, uh, misunderstanding.” Because they know if they didn’t, he’d simply make their country into a wasteland.

Do with that information what you will. On to some lizinks:

  • Is it just me, or is the damage to Galveston from Hurricane Ike not receiving even one-millionth the coverage of Katrina? I mean, sure, there wasn’t a lot of dead people, but still. Are we just Hurricaned out? Anyway, here are some pictures of the devastation.
  • As a lover of ice cream as well as breasts, I’m not sure how I feel about this. Oh wait, yes I do, it’s fricking disgusting.
  • The folks over at icanhascheezburger.com have developed something almost as awesome: roflrazzi.com. Best one so far.
  • The Sarah Palin Baby Name Generator tells me that if she was my mom, I’d be named Mole Valdez Palin. I have to say, that is way better than my current moniker. (Sorry, Mom.)
  • I’m describing my feelings about this news as “guardedly excited.”
  • Are you colorblind? I wouldn’t click here then. Hope you have a decent monitor. (Note: I got 100% because I am brilliant. If you get less, well, don’t feel bad.)
  • Heehee…if a black guy was tasked with introducing John McCain to a convention crowd.
  • Ever wanted to learn how to use a slide rule, without spending the dollaz to purchase one? I can make your dreams come true. If you don’t want to learn how to use a slide rule, well, then you aren’t cool.
  • Last but not least, I love this: Chill the F out. Probably safe for work, but if your kids can read don’t open it in front of them.

Rad times, y’all.


  • Nevermind; Bad times, y’all.

    He was smiling… That’s right. You know, that, that Luke smile of his. He had it on his face right to the very end. Hell, if they didn’t know it ‘fore, they could tell right then that they weren’t a-gonna beat him. That old Luke smile. Oh, Luke. He was some boy. Cool Hand Luke. Hell, he’s a natural-born world-shaker. – Cool Hand Luke

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  1. Stringer
    September 29th, 2008 at 11:50 | #1

    As an offical “Iker” – Pasadena TX recieved the western eyewall – I came out ok. Some friends didn’t. However, our local CBS affiliate has run NON STOP “Ike Recovery” show during news hours (i.e, not soap or prime time).

    Also, I didn’t watch because I can’t vote for either. Obama will raise my taxes and destroy our foreign credibility and McCain will just shoot something to say he kicked someone’s ass during his term.

    Oh, and I link of my own that made me go “Hmmmmm….”: Burninate!

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