I’m working one of those ridiculous jobs in which I’m up all night, sleeping all day, and drinking the blood of hookers I dump in the woods of South Jersey. I mean…well, dang. Anyway, the gist of this is that I have little time for such frivolities as “blog posts” or “pooping,” but because I’m a nice guy, I’m throwing this up on here as a sign unto you that I am rad and care deeply about your personal feelings towards, I dunno, stuff.

Anyway, I thought I’d talk about Old vs. New. Some people are what I call “conservative fuddy duddies” and prefer only the old; some people are what I call “liberal hippie forward-thinking types” and have an endless drive for All That Is New And Rad. Like most people, I fall somewhere in the middle, as evidenced by the following, um, evidence:

  • In sports, old is better, like WHOA. The Designated Hitter: bad. Juiced baseballs: hella bad. Umpires wearing some kind of green shirt that makes them look like park rangers: craptastic. NASCAR’s “Car Of Tomorrow”: the stupidest idea since I started cutting myself to stop the crying. Football teams passing on 65% of downs: BOORRRRRIIINNNNNGGGGG.
  • Technology: Dell Latitude D410 (my new work lappy) > Packard Bell Pentium 133. XM Radio > cassette tapes. PS2 > Ms. Pacman. The internets > libraries. CDs > vinyl LPs, despite the audiofreaks who say things like “digital recordings are just missing something.” They are, of course; they’re missing tape hiss. This is a good thing. Dorks.
  • Women: modern sorority skanks dressing like 7th Avenue streetwalkers are a pretty solid improvement over the grunge-y sweater-wearing style of the early to mid-90s. Unless you have a 14 year old daughter, in which case I suggest you chain her to a radiator. On the other hand, apparently the 70s was the decade for hot chicks getting busy with no repercussions, so who knows. (I was, sadly, like 2 then.)
  • Modern hotel keys suck, because invariably they are encoded to deactivate while I’m at work, such that when I return, completely exhausted, they don’t work and I have to take like 8 elevator rides back to the main desk to have them fix things. Argh. (It’s happened twice to me this month.)

In short, I’ve been awake for something like 32 of the past 36 hours and probably need to stop drinking caffeinated sodas because I haven’t blinked in a few minutes.

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