I hate bacteria. You hear me? Bacteria SUCK. Or perhaps viruses. Or both. I don’t really know. I hab a code, and I hate it.

Woke up Monday morning with the tell-tale agonizing throatache, and now I’m all drugged up and stuffy headed and bad times, damnit, which explains why my grasp of the English language is tentative, and also horfwit mccombs allegory.

Also, I’m working on a project that has me awake at bizarre hours; I was up all last night until about 6am, at which time I was permitted to nap until 9, and then went home and slept for 6 hours, only to return to work at 4pm. Between the minimal sleep and the Dayquil and the fact that I haven’t been able to draw a natural breath through my nose in 36 hours, well, let’s just say I’m going to pee on somebody soon, I think.

And it might be you.

You never know. I could find you.

Anyway, I don’t really have any useful information today, other than to note that the Flyers suck big hairy donkey, uh, tail, and that I purchased two new pairs of jeans yesterday that look flat-out PHENOMENAL on me. News at 11. Bitches.

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