Can someone PLEASE explain to me why everybody likes the White Stripes so much? Ya know? What the hell. Let’s review. We have a brother and sister combo consisting of:

  • The brother, who plays guitar mediocrely and piano at about the level of a 7-year-old with only two fingers on his or her left hand, and who also “sings” unintelligible lyrics at the top of his lungs.
  • The sister, who plays the drums like she’s having some kind of seizure and can’t play a fill worth two craps in a plastic baggie.

They dress up like they’re going to crash a Goth wedding and record an album, and everybody’s like, “Oh my God! They’re the rebirth of music!” I saw them on the Daily Show last week and said “Man, this is the vaunted White Stripes? They sound more like the Skidmarks.”

I just don’t get it, is all.

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  1. Sudiegirl
    December 20th, 2005 at 20:54 | #1

    They’re brother and sister? I thought they were ex husband and wife?


  2. Anonymous
    December 22nd, 2005 at 21:18 | #2

    it’s because they are original. i need to burn you some cds.

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