Home > a beautiful thing, music > Chromatose


Saturday night, I managed to make it to the fall Ychromes concert. The show was pretty damned fine; good arrangements, fantastic soloists, and a few nice touches. I’m still hoping to see the 2nd act video turn up on Youtube, because it was so funny I peed in my pants just a little bit. They also did a really fantastic tribute to Colin Hines, alumnus #54, who sadly passed away last week of complications from leukemia. (I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Cancer, you are a serious douche. Please stop killing people.) And in the 4 days between Colin’s passing and the concert, some of our smarter members managed to pull together the Colin Hines Memorial Scholarship Fund, and raised $3000 to be split between the Chromes, and Leukemia research. It was a pretty memorable evening.

Did I take pictures? Of course I did.

I even managed to spend some time at Klondike Kate’s without drinking anything (a remarkable feat, given the booze that was flowing freely), since the local constabulary had been kind enough to set up a DUI checkpoint 15 feet from the parking lot where my car resided. A fantastic evening.

Oh: best shirt ever.

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