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It burns when I pee. But that's not really your problem, so nevermind.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Ooh...yeah...that's it...here comes the random spouts of crap:
  • Go here. The first one is pretty good, but definitely listen to the second one. I peed my pants repeatedly. Seriously, man, my ergonomic chair is sopping.
  • I was reading the other day where some folks were arguing that the high gas prices we're currently experiencing indicate that we are in need of a "regime change," meaning, they think if we take Dubya out of office, gas prices will go back down?


    The people that I read saying these things are, almost to a man, the same people that for the past two years have been saying "We only invaded Iraq for the oil!" Well, if that's true, wouldn't we actually be experiencing cheaper oil prices? I'm no Alan Turing, but even my moldy brain can spot hypocrisy of that level. (My own hypocrisies are well known, particularly the one in which no one should be permitted to have a driver's license but me and the few worth individuals I designate, despite the fact that my own driving record is spottier than a leopard.)

    Interestingly enough, many of the same folks say that we shouldn't drill for oil in "wildlife preserves," despite the fact that the only thing that makes them "preserved" is some government entity saying so. Were I Lord and Master of All I Survey, I'd just say, "Okay, well, that part's no longer preserved. Get to drilling. This other part over here, where there isn't any oil, is now the preserved area. Good times for all."

    None of this changes the fact that I'm considering selling my truck because I realized it costs me upwards of $2000 a year to fuel it.

  • New washing machine = superw00t. Even better was that we were able to maneuver the washer and dryer in the laundry room to a position that makes more sense. When we arrived at the house, the existing washer was positioned in a way that we couldn't put the dryer next to it without moving the washer out of the way first, so I could have access to the dryer exhaust vent and stuff. We didn't feel like doing that, so we just slud the dryer in there sort of catty-corner in such a way that you couldn't actually stand in the room with a basket to unload and reload things.

    When we moved the old washer out, I moved the dryer to the ideal position, and then the new washer slud in right next to it. Bim, bam, boom, as Percy Faith would say. Now there's all kinds of room to stand in there, and as a benefit, one of the holes that the cats would crawl through to sneak into the laundry room and throw up on things is now blocked off by the dryer. So those little devils are THWARTED.

  • I have had my hair trimmed to look like this:

    And HW helped me install some highlights last night. (And I wonder why everyone thinks I'm gay.) I look totally hot, although the hair product I'm using today is kinda lame; it makes my hair all wet-looking and greasy, and it doesn't clump up like Jesse's does in the photo. I'll keep working on that, possibly with some hard core Butch wax type stuff I have left over from when I was spiking my jaunpiece up. What I really need is some Brylcreem . . . I've got my overhead lifters and four-barrel quads oh yeah . . .
  • I wrote a nasty gram to the OpEd page at the News Journal over this whiny tripe. Seems a bunch of people in North Wilmington are in an uproar over noise from planes flying into Philadelphia Airport, which, last I checked is roughly 20 miles north. Given the small amount I know about aircraft flight paths, that puts them over North Wilmington at a height of several thousand feet.

    My letter basically said, "Stop being whiny punks or I'll drive to your house and give you something to REALLY cry about." That's not a verbatim quote, but I'm hoping I still get published in tomorrow's paper. It might even be enough to convince me to buy one, although probably not.


Anonymous said...

As a resident of North Wilmington, I need to comment on a couple of points. 20 miles from the airport is like 3 blocks, aeronomically speaking.

The second point is if the planes stayed a couple of thousand feet in the air, there's no noise. The problem is that in the past few years, the planes have dropped so low overhead you can tell the airline by reading its tailfin. That's too close. The pilots must be going by roadmaps instead of whatever pilots use at higher altitudes. There are times when it looked like the plane was heading into our bedroom.

I understand in bad weather conditions planes fly below cloud level. That was never an issue. The issue now is they fly at that low altitude all the time. And have no real excuse. If planes can land in Los Angeles on a rapid descent, they can land in Philly the same way.

11:45 AM  
Matt said...

I'm not sure that "aeronomically" is a word. Google is unable to find any definitions for it either. I'm not entirely sure how "20 miles from the airport is like three blocks" works either, but I can safely say that I'm 2 miles from a county airport, and I never notice the air traffic.

That being said, if, as you say, the pilots are flying unnecessarily low, that is a problem. However, the best resolution of that problem is not to fight against additional runways, but to petition the FAA to discipline pilots who fly too low. You may not get anywhere that way, but I daresay having 2 planes fly too low over my house isn't that much worse than having one.

12:27 PM  

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