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It burns when I pee. But that's not really your problem, so nevermind.

Friday, June 25, 2004

Brigadoon pictures are up! A couple warnings:
  1. The pictures are pretty big, in many cases, and I saved them in the highest quality JPG format. If you're on dialup, be prepared for some significant download times. I may fix this in the future; I may not. I'm lazy like that.
  2. There are two pictures of me in the current set of 9. I know nobody wants to see that, but my ego knows no bounds so I put them in anyway. Deal with it. Or merely avert your gaze. Whatever you gotta do.
  3. I used a cheap and easy gallery-maker to make the HTML, and it's not in a format that I like at all. I'm sure I'll change it later to something much easier on the eyes, but for right now just work with me. I don't have time for a lot of editing today and I wanted to get this posted. Expect the design, and URLs, to change probably by Monday.
  4. Some of the pictures are kinda dim and blurry, because we rehearse in a large space and my flash isn't powerful enough to reach more than 15 or 20 feet away. Sorry about that. Hopefully I'll have some nice pictures when we get to Longwood and we're under the lighting, but that's a month away.
I guess that's about it. Have a superb weekend.


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