I greatly enjoy the humorous and highly intelligent writings of James Lileks of the Minneapolis Star-Tribune. Recently, though, he's been busy getting himself geared up for a monstrous outpouring of emotion in remembrance of September 11th. ::sigh::

I guess I'm the only person left in America who's tired of hearing about it. Every time somebody says "nine eleven" or "the tragedy of September eleventh" or "goddamn Ayrabs" I cringe. I'm just so completely oversaturated with news reports, sob stories, hero stories, etc. As Pimpdaddy Lileks puts it:

"They can’t stand people who won’t let go of 9/11. Once they washed the ash off their car it was over for them; why can’t it be over for everyone?"

Yep, that's just about how I feel. It's not that I'm insensitive (although I clearly am). This is hard to explain, but it's like if you're 17 years old and your father just died suddenly. All you hear from other people is how great your dad was and how sorry they were to hear he had passed and if you ever need anything please call. Both my parents are, thank Christ, still alive, but I'm pretty sure I'd have a plane ticket to Alaska lined up to take off 2 hours after the funeral, just to avoid having people "comforting" me.

Another issue is I don't like being reminded of 9/11 simply because it was a complete and utter success for the terrorists, and we'll realize it about 5 years too late to do anything about it. The government says that the best way to defeat terrorism is to not let it affect our lives. Meanwhile, that same government is detaining people without benefit of counsel or due process, expanding itself to meet a perceived "threat," and attacking other countries as "pre-emptive strikes." Meanwhile, independent polls say that many Americans are perfectly okay with losing some of their rights, including the right to free fucking speech.

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin

Basically, the only thing I can hope for is that in about 2027, when the US becomes a dictatorship in the name of "public safety," I'm the dictator that gets elected.

This is PROOF that there is no god, btw. If you see your child doing something stupid, you correct him. If he does it again, you send him to his room. If he does it again, you ground him for a week. If he does it again, you duct tape him to a chair and go buck wild with the brass knuckles. Now . . . how many fucking times have humans made the same mistakes, over and over and over? Don't you think a god would send us a sign, like, "Stop being fucking morons." Unless He's just a sadistic sonofabitch, in which case he can suck on DEEEEZ nutz.

Okay, that's enough serious shit. Time for me to attempt to be funny again.

Rocked a superb party last weekend at our friend Nora's place up in West Chester. I hate to do another list like I had in the last column, but some extremely humorous shit happened that weekend:

This weekend I'm going to a UD game vs. Richmond, in Richmond, whilst a-visiting my homeboy Kiznyle. He amuses me no end.
Any criticism about my column can be directed to suckit@matthearn.com. Pictures of naked chicks can be sent to matt@matthearn.com.