Those of you who actually make money know that TAX DAY was last week!!! If you're like me, you had to shell out several thousand dollars. Also, if you are like me, you don't particularly enjoy giving vast amounts of spendable cash to various governments who will spend it on guano subsidies and HDTVs for death row inmates. So I spent the past few days wracking my brain to come up with a list of ways to lower my tax burden for next April, and I think these will work for you too.

Number 1: Develop a money-laundering scheme. No, I'm not going to make some rude joke about using the hot/cold cycle (remember to use plenty of bleach). Most people think that developing a money-laundering scheme is incredibly difficult, but in reality it's delightfully simple:

That's pretty much all there is to the money-laundering scheme, except that Paulie, Jimmy, or Sid might ask you to kill somebody to show your "commitment." But that's not all you can do to hide from the taxman:

Number 2: Don't make any money. A guy I know does this specifically so he can avoid paying tax to the government because they use it for military purposes. (He's, um, odd.) Of course, when I say "don't make any money" I mean make absolutely no more than you can make and have to give money to the government. This involves taking a job that pays poorly and taking every deduction you possibly can, including "kitty litter expenses" and "interest on mortgage for 2 room shack." I also recommend growing your own food, and having as many children as possible to be sold to rich couples with low sperm counts. Plus, if things get tight, there's always welfare and foodstamps. You can live off the taxes of others! WOOHOO!

Number 3: Move to Liechtenstein. Unfortunately, becoming a citizen there requires an invitation, I believe, and the invites only come when you reach a certain level of wealth; something approaching a half billion should do it, but getting there will require you to pay several hundred million in taxes, which defeats the purpose.

Number 4: Get elected to government and make serious changes to the tax laws and wasteful government spending.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Like that'd ever happen! I kill me.

Anyway, that's my nifty 4 point plan for tax avoidance.

Moving right along, this week the American Idol contestants have been whittled down to 6. Tonight, they eliminate one more. Let's take a look at this week's remaining "singers:"

So who's my pick to take it all, you ask? Well, here's how I see things panning out:
Tonight (4/23): Bottom 3: Josh, Trenyce, Carmen. Carmen gets voted off, but rebounds to become the sexiest soft-core porn star ever.
Next week (4/30): Bottom 3: Kimberley, Trenyce, Josh. Josh gets one more week of patriotic votes, though, and Trenyce is gone.
5/7: Not sure if they still do bottom three at this point, but Josh gets dumped in a close call with Kim.
5/14: We're down with Clay, Ruben, and Kimberley; Kim gets bumped, but gets a deal working for weightwatchers, loses 60 pounds, and marries a pro football player.
5/21: In the big finish, Clay pulls out an incredibly close finish and becomes the idol. Ruben is so shocked to lose that he has a heart attack and judge Randy eats him. Clay and Kelly Clarkson get married and have the ugliest children ever, while Justin Guarini is the only person to come out of either season of American Idol with a lengthy musical career; he eventually weds Elton John in Vermont.

Clearly I need to get a job writing soap operas.

hirsute (adj): hairy.
player (noun): in this context, an important mafia member.
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