The Daily Nuisance

by Matt Hearn

Ah, the Oscars. That magical night when Whoopi Goldberg comes out of the woodwork wearing a dress that appeared to have been designed by a blind goat, cut from Dennis Rodman's beer-stained draperies, hand sewn by snow monkeys, and stored under the hood of a 77 Dodge Magnum until Sunday night.

Just a few general comments:

By and large, the Academy Awards were moderately amusing, but then, I was drunk. I don't know how it looked sober.

You may have noticed this column is mad early. I'm trying to make up for missing a week earlier in the month, because I care about my readers. Both of them. You may also have noticed that this column is shorter than usual. That's because I don't give a fat fuck. Okay, it's because I still intend to write a column later in the week, probably Friday or Saturday, 'cause I'm going to a bar with my wife and her friends on Wednesday for the wife's birthday, and a column about hot dancing drunk chicks just seems like a crowd pleaser.

* * *

So I just took a look at this column online and noticed it's really frigging short. I meant it to be short, but I was hoping you'd at least have to fuckin' scroll down a bit.

So I'm padding it.

With lots of carriage returns.

Anyway, now seems like a good time to give some ups to a cool website called I spend a high percentage of my workday there (c'mon, like I work) playing chess, checkers, battleship, anything that strikes my fancy. Everybody should come play. You can play for free, which gives you like 40 moves per day, or you can cough up your $8 for 3 months of unlimited play. It's a feckin' DEAL.

It's in your best interest to play anyway, 'cause I really suck. I'm on there as HomerS.

BTW: if any of you random motherfuckers want to contact me, I'm at, and on AOL Instant Messenger as MattHearnCSC.

What the hell? My bottle of slimfast just jizzed all over my shirt. Goddamn it. I'll catch y'all in a later column, I've gotta go clean myself up.

The above mentioned has a great game called Horde Chess. The white side gets the normal setup of pieces. The black side gets nothing but pawns, 32 of 'em. The black side just has to checkmate the king, but the white side has to eliminate all 32 pawns to win. It's actually really cool, particularly since in chess, if your pawn reaches the other side of the board, you can turn it into any piece you want (like getting "kinged" in checkers). I was playing as black against this guy:

Yes, that's 3 queens. He finally just resigned 'cause all I was doing was trying to get 5 queens. :)