Baby’s still in there, and really, really, REALLY does not want to come out:

We had one more ultrasound, and then our doctor tried to lose his watch inside my wife, and has informed us that we will be getting induced on Tuesday, if the baby hasn’t try to wiggle out sooner. She was dilated all of 1cm, so I’m thinking Tuesday is GO DAY, people. The bag is packed, the iPod loaded with good delivery room jams, the camera has fresh batteries. I would not expect to see anything here before Wednesday, at which time there will be Much To Discuss.

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  1. Mike Mahaffie
    May 27th, 2006 at 13:22 | #1

    Good luck man. And remember, anything she says, is right. Don’t argue.

  2. Colin P
    May 30th, 2006 at 17:36 | #2

    It’s Tuesday! Happy Induced Birthday Hearn-baby! (HB) until we get a name…actually forever.

    All hail the Hearn Baby. Thaaaaa Hearn Baby, Hearn Baby, Hearn Baby, Hearn Baby, Thaaaaa…you get the point.

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