Things that make me happy:

  • Trying to find a video game version of Cricket that’s playable on an American PS2, failing, discussing the expensive possibility of convering my PS2 so I can play foreign games, and then realizing, hell, I’ll just get the PC version and save a lot of trouble.
  • Discovering a Torrent that has a downloadable CD image of the game, thereby saving $59.99. (Not that I would ever do this, of course, as it’s immoral and unjustifiable and wrong. Still.)
  • Thinking to myself, “Damn, I’m hungry. I wish I’d brought lunch today,” and then realizing a few minutes later, “Hey! Wait! I brought fried chicken! It’s in the refrigerator!” This, in fact, made me so happy I did a little dance, and might have peed a little bit.
  • My birthday.
  • Aged scotch.
  • Diet Sunkist soda.
  • The English.
  • New Strong Bad Emails.

That’s about it. And, uh, that’s about it.

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