My ankle REEEEEAAAAALLLLY hurts. A lot, a lot a lot. Right now it’s resting on a bag of frozen broccoli, which helps a bit, but I seem to have sprained it rather drastically.

Saturday night we went out to a variety of places, and ended up at my boy Noah’s house, where I slipped on some ice and landed very awkwardly on my left foot. I swear I heard a crunching or popping noise, but I vaguely remember someone telling me I had landed on a plastic cup. The pain was so unbelievable I almost blacked out, and most of the rest of the evening is a dim blur.

Anyway, my buddy Kris dragged me into my house and into bed (thanks, Ungadogggg!), so I went to sleep and woke up Sunday morning in horrible, agonizing pain. So of course I took a shower, downed 4 acetaminophen, and went to church. Kris had parked behind my wife’s car, so I had to take the truck. Let’s add this up:

  • I had seriously injured, possibly even broken my left ankle.
  • I had to drive my truck, which has a manual transmission.
  • Cars with manual transmissions have clutch pedals, which are operated via the left foot.

By the time I made it home, I wasn’t even using the clutch unless I had to stop.

Anyway, it’s now Monday, about 4pm, and it’s feeling a little better, depending on how recently I’ve taken drugs, and whether or not ice is currently being applied. (It is.) I skipped work today to rest it up, but I plan to get in to the office tomorrow, and of course go to school in the afternoon for rehearsal. Semi-luckily, HW is out of town, so I can use her car until Wednesday. I’ll let you know if any part of my left foot falls off my body.

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