Things are a little frantic at the office today, what with me having to go shopping this morning and not getting in until close to noon, followed by the consumption of really poor Wendy’s fries, and then I had to use the bathroom, and I’m trying to catch up on all my daily online reading, plus playing Silent Service on my Nintendo emulator. Plus what I’d really like to post are pictures from the Sixers game last night, but the pictures are currently stored on my camera, which is at my house, and I’m at work, so I can’t do anything with them until I get home tonight, so I’ll probably write a long post about how unbelievably kickass the game was, plus post the pictures I got of Kyle Korver practicing roughly 4 feet from me. (I know somebody.)

Meanwhile, the continuing adventures of the University of Delaware Ychrome Alumni:
Ychrome Alumni – Nebraska.mp3 – Solo by C. Christopher Wesley with backup from Ryan Case and Jared M. Smith the Poovy
Ychrome Alumni – Bouncin’ ‘Round The Room.mp3 – Solos by half of creation.

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  1. imp
    December 21st, 2004 at 20:26 | #1

    What the company uses this Websense, thing that blocks me from looking at things like, juju bees humping gummi bears and what not.
    Today, for the first time, it blocked me from downloading the Alumni recordings. It said I was downloading from an MP3 service.

    It also says is “Gay Lesbian, or Bisexual” content…What, I’m not allowed to look at Gay People from work?

    This is crap

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