Okay, I wasn’t going to bother with any real update today, since I posted the link to Between Us, but I had to share with you some deep emotional trauma that I’m having trouble with.

Yesterday we had our office pot-luck holiday lunch. It was not exactly an unmitigated success; we had a few breakfast offerings, but the only thing that showed up for lunch was a Crockpot full of pulled pork. Anyway, for dessert, I supplied a blueberry pie. I have a recipe for fruit pie that you can make in about a half an hour, because the only thing you have to bake is the pie shell; for the filling, you heat that on the stove and just pour it in.

So I showed up with my pie yesterday, and as usual, few people actually touched it. The cakes went quickly, but CSC people just aren’t pie people, I guess. I had 3 or 4 pieces of my own pie, and was looking forward to having the rest of it over the course of today.

This morning I got in to work, handled some bweeeeeznass (some bweeznass), and wandered over to the cafeteria refrigerator to snag me some delicious blueberry hotness, only to discover that the pie was gone.

Thrown out.

Half of a pie, completely thrown away.

My tears could not be stemmed. To add insult to injury, the pie appeared to be the only thing they had thrown out; some kind of nasty cranberry cake with the consistency of Crisco remained, along with a store-bought fruit bread of some kind.

I’ve been bitter about this all day. I really don’t know how I’m going to be able to move on.

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  1. Anonymous
    December 18th, 2004 at 08:16 | #1

    i dont get it considering i here all the people love to eat herns pie……….or wait maybe i heard that hearn loves to eat pie…..my fualt

    vilma’s vengance

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