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I ambled over to TweetPsych.com and got a nifty
psychological analysis of my tweets. Things it revealed:

You often talk about the physical characteristics of things.

Uh…okay. I’m not sure what this means. If you’re talking about a thing, seems like the physical characteristics of it would come up.
You talk about yourself a lot.

Obviously. I’m as self-centered as anybody. Also, it’s Twitter. It doesn’t lend itself well to profound theological thought, unless Nietsche came back to life.
You express plenty of negative emotions.

I’m 30-something American male. It’s how we roll.
You often make references to physically upward movement. Like upstairs, climb, etc.

I don’t know what the hell this is about. Oh wait, yes I do: I have a secret life as an escalator salesman. Subconsciously, it must come out in my Twitterin’.

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